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Rachel Jensen

March Talk with Rachel Jensen

It’s March! The first month of Spring, and the month when the clocks go forward. What’s going on in the world of business this month? Today we're talking to Rachel Jensen who is a money mindset coach and financial adviser at Rachel Jensen Money. She helps female entrepreneurs become more financially independent and free.

How is March looking for you in your business? 
I've launched a new virtual coaching programme, which begins in May. I feel  all women would benefit from having this wealth education available to them. 

It is eight weeks of live training and coaching, and we will be exploring money beliefs and blocks, looking at key values and how these link to spending. 

We will be delving into money attitudes and habits and the more practical sides of money. So, this is for women who want to trust themselves with money, start building personal wealth and remove the feeling of shame, guilt or being judged, when it comes to money.  

This will be a safe and supportive environment to help women feel comfortable discussing their money situation.

Are you taking part in any wider events or business collaborations this month? 
I’m really excited to have just volunteered to do some training with the air ambulance staff around the emotional side of money. This will look at why we feel emotions when it comes to money, where these emotions may be coming from, and how to shift these money emotions. 

This month it’s International Women’s Day, Pancake Day, St David’s Day, National No Smoking Day – is there an awareness day or week this month which is important to you or your business? 
International Women’s Day is hugely important to my business, because I help female entrepreneurs step away from their comfort zone and make their dreams a reality. 

I’m really passionate about helping women become more financially independent. 

What I have seen from my 20 years working in financial services, and as a qualified financial advisor, is that women are smashing the glass ceiling when it comes to their career, but the same can’t always be said when it comes to their money confidence.

There needs to be more education in this area and that is why I launched Rachel Jensen Money last year, which looks at the emotional and practical side of money. 

My mission is to help one million women become more financially independent and confident when it comes to wealth. Money is still such a taboo topic and I’m keen to change that.  

Did you know that March 18 was Awkward Moments Day? Can you share any awkward moments with us in business or life?
A few years back when I worked in the corporate world, I was always wearing out my high heels, so I wanted to buy a cheaper back up pair that I could pull out of the wardrobe if the heels started wearing down.  I found a comfortable pair in the Marks and Spencer sale, but they were a size too big. But the price was too good to miss, so I bought them anyway. 

Well on one of the days I had to wear this back up pair of shoes, I was late for a meeting, so I was running down an open flight of stairs. But in my haste one of my shoes flung off my foot and launched into the air. I watched it spin, almost in slow motion, and hit a gentleman sat on one of the tables in a meeting below. 

I had to walk down three flights of stairs, with one shoe on and one shoe off, with a whole atrium of people watching me, and go and claim the missing shoe and apologise to the man holding his head. 

The lesson? -  only ever buy shoes that fit! 

March is also Mother’s Day (March 27) is this an important day for your business? 
My business is all about helping women become more financially independent. 

Did you know women didn’t have the right to a bank account until the 1960s and life was so different for our mums. 

My mum was born in the war, so rationing was her way of life and all she knew when growing up. 

My dad managed the budget and if my mum did work, it was a little extra money to help. 

The generational impact is so strong when it comes to how we feel about money. 

Often, we don’t realise how we are feeling isn’t our beliefs, but beliefs from our mothers before us. 

Many of our money beliefs were formed from observing our parents' relationship to money. 

For example, the feeling of not having enough, or there being not enough to go round, or not having the confidence to manage money. 

My mum was given a budget to stick to and an allowance to spend, she was a stay-at-home mum most of the time, while my dad was in the forces often posted abroad. 

But that was the norm back then, and it was such a different way of life than we experience now. 


She can be found here https://www.racheljensenmoney.co.uk

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