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Your Total Guide To Business

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Caroline Peyton

Caroline Peyton of Peyton Principles has an exciting month happening this October!

OCTOBER is here! It’s Q4 and one of the key business moments is, of course, Halloween (or at last for some businesses).

Today we’re talking to Caroline Peyton of Peyton Principles, a nutritionist, naturopath, and gut health expert helping those who suffer with unresolved digestive and gut symptoms to finally find relief. She also provides workshops to employers to help fuel a high-performance culture. Caroline is Swindon and Cotswolds based but also works online globally

What’s coming up for your business/organisation in Q4?
I have two fantastic workshops in October. My third ladies’ retreat day on 11th October at the beautiful Cotswold Park Barns dedicated to digestive gut health. And a Menopause self-help workshop on 27th October. My mission – and passion – is to share my knowledge to enable everyone to lead happier healthier lives.

This quarter also sees the launch of my luxury Corporate health retreat days for companies wanting to improve the productivity and wellbeing of staff. Too many employees are stressed, overwhelmed and potentially at the point of burnout. It will be a day of education, team-building and wellness combined in a luxury setting.

October represents several awareness months. Are any relevant to your business?
October is Menopause Awareness Month. This is highly relevant to my business. Many female clients start to feel out of balance, suffering more and more symptoms and just feeling rubbish. I help to identify the root causes to their symptoms to bring back vitality, energy and an absolute joy to life. I’ll be sharing my tools and techniques at my forthcoming “Revitalise and Thrive- Menopause self-help workshop” on Friday 27th October together with Karen Thrush. 

And I have developed a workshop for organisations on nutrition and lifestyle support to transition through the menopause (with ease).

Did you know October 10 is World Mental Health Day. How important is this subject in your business and in your life?
As a naturopath looking at each individual holistically, mental health is as important as any other aspect of physical health. And returning yet again to gut health, we are learning more and more about the gut-brain axis and this wonderful two-way flow of communication.

Regarding my own mental health, I am very conscious to take time out to recharge and not burn the candle at both ends. I can’t help my clients if I’m not mentally well myself.

Are there any ‘quirky’ moments this month relevant to your business?
Apple Day – Oct 21: Did you know that apples are soothing and nourishing to your gut? The pectin provides a wonderful soluble fibre to help regulate bowel movements, they contain prebiotics to feed your gut microbiome and they have anti-inflammatory properties. The best way to do this is make unsweetened stewed apple with cinnamon and eat a little every day.

Have you got any services or special offers you’d like to mention? 
Just to reiterate, I have two great educational events that ladies can book onto  this month (sorry chaps):

Ladies Luxury Digestive Gut Health Retreat day on 11th October:

Revitalise and Thrive- Menopause self-help workshop on 27th October: https://www.peytonprinciples.com/menopause-workshop/

And finally, tell us one thing you love about the autumn/winter months?  
It has to be the wonderful Autumnal colours. But I’m always a little bit sad to see the end of the long light (usually warm!) Summer days. I really do not like the dark nights or the cold.

For more information www.peytonprinciples.com" target="_blank">visit www.peytonprinciples.com

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