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How Real-Time Tracking Is Influencing Consumer Trends

Whether an average consumer is fully aware of this or not, real-time tracking has already permeated most, if not all, aspects of day-to-day existence - at least in the urban environment. Whenever you launch your Uber app to catch a ride or simply search Google for a product, tracking algorithms come into play instantly and often decide what it is that you're going to see. 

To some, such an intervention may seem uncomfortable - disturbing, even. However, instead of lamenting the bygone days of segmented and non-intrusive digiscape, it's more productive to look for means of mutually beneficial coexistence with the ever-inquisitive software that really wants to know what you had for lunch and such.

This can be achieved by first examining what exactly is happening to consumer trends orbiting around the web and what opportunities and threats arise in the process, which we'll do in this article. With a full picture in mind, you might have an easier time accepting our real-time reality and finding actual use for tracking products, from a FedEx delivery app to a phone number location tracker.

The Birth of the Mastermind Consumer

'The world at your fingertips' - this and other similar slogans are used to tout yet another online product that can somehow alleviate your routine by letting the machine do the work. Marketers behind such campaigns rarely go to the trouble of actually demonstrating the benefits, though, so let's summarize them briefly:

  • Personalization. Finding the exact product or service you need looked very different only a decade ago. Now, a joint effort of SEO specialists, marketers, and search algorithms provides precise suggestions based on your customer profile, which includes your physical location.
  • Efficiency. Lost your phone? Use Google Maps or any location tracker by phone number. Fancy takeout for dinner? DoorDash stands ready. Shipment taking too long? Track it on Amazon…. you get the idea. With real-time tech, your day can be arranged to every minute detail before you even think about it.
  • Safety. As intrusive as it seems, wristband health trackers that eagerly sell your private data to ad moguls do save lives. The same goes for a plethora of devices to track everything from air purity in your room to the whereabouts of your wayward pet - and don't get us started on navigating an unfamiliar place without GPS.

Caught in the Real-Time Loop

As hinted in the previous section, ubiquitous real-time tracking is, mildly put, a double-edged sword. Some of us feel that for every bit of comfort introduced by technology, they must part with something they didn't even know they cherished.

  • Privacy. Given the prevalence of tracking, it's not even clear anymore whether you get to keep anything secret from the prying cyber-eye. If the answer is 'no', then how much can you trust the algorithm to act in your best interest or, at least, not directly against it?
  • Surveillance. For every occasion when someone legitimately uses a cell phone number location tracker to keep an eye on their underage kids, there's a disturbing case of stalking or blackmail. Sadly, eradicating such risks is only possible with total abstinence from GPS-laden devices.
  • Control. The end goal of subtle ad-driven suggestions is to make you believe these are your desires and choices. Whether that's inherently bad is debatable, but we feel that constant exposure to artificially curated content takes away the essentially human joy of discovering value through effort.

Regaining Power and Peace of Mind

If you want to manage the sprawling influence of tracking-based services on your life, it would be a good idea to learn what they're capable of and how to use them to your advantage. You can start by mastering any location tracker by phone number, such as GEOfinder.mobi or LocationTracker.mobi - they offer too much value to ignore:

  • Unobtrusive child or elderly tracking;
  • Non-disruptive employee honesty checks;
  • Monitoring suspicious individuals who you absolutely have to interact with.

Equipped with a location number tracker, you reduce the amount of unpleasant surprises life can throw at you and harness the power of the (almost) omnipresent GPS signal. Let's see what else these apps can do by taking a look at LocationTracker, one of the typical specimens.

What to Expect from LocationTracker.mobi and Analogues

Besides enabling you to locate a phone number and see its real-time movement on the map, a good tracker must have at least three more functions that expand the range of obtainable data. LocationTracker meets and exceeds this criterion by offering four extra features:

  • IP Logger. Specifies the tracking result by listing the recent IP addresses used by the owner. These are, basically, Internet access points, and each has a specific and unique physical location.
  • WiFi Tracker. Determines whether your search subject went online using WiFi, which also helps to narrow down their whereabouts.
  • VPN Checker. Establishes the presence of a false access point in the connection. VPN's primary purpose is to prevent other users and web nodes from discovering your actual location.
  • Phone Carrier Lookup. Runs a quick search through open databases, which can often reveal a whole lot of sensitive data about the number's owner.

Main Takeaways

Real-time tracking comes with a tidal wave of non-debatable life quality improvements but still manages to leave a bitter taste in the mouths of average consumers. Even a side glance is enough to see how each benefit is inevitably marred by a drawback, so ultimately, it's a game of trade-offs.

While it may be too late to overthrow governments or infiltrate global corporations in order to prevent real-time tracking from spreading, it's just about time to assess your current position on the grid and decide whether you can also be an active participant in the global tracking network. 

The tools that allow you to stay at the forefront are plenty, from health gadgets to tracker apps. The best part is that you don't need to join the frantic tech race to reap its benefits as they appear.


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