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TGt Meets... Paul Edmondson, T2 Fitness
We could all do with being healthier; doing a bit more exercise and eating better, but what about the people that have made a successful career of helping people achieve their fitness goals? We spoke to Paul Edmondson from T2 Fitness to find out more.
How did you turn your passion for fitness into a career?
I spent much of my 20s (that’s a long time ago now) in the gym, so I decided why not turn my hobby into my work. I haven’t looked back since
How do you stay fit and healthy?
With travelling a lot for work, and getting on a bit now, I focus on “moving” as often as I can to keep me healthy and free from pain/stiffness where possible.
Do you have a motto or favourite motivational quote?
Move well, move often, whatever you do JUST move.
What’s your favourite sport or exercise?
Playing golf, watching football - I also believe I'm a “thumb war wizard." (remember that?)
What are your tips for people looking to get into shape?
Firstly identify a goal, second make a food plan, thirdly adjust your sleep pattern to suit your lifestyle and to aid your fitness, lastly seek advise on ‘right’ training for you.
What are some mistakes people make when training/working towards a weight or fitness goal?
Counting calories is the big one. When in reality it's about fuelling your body's cells (the building blocks of YOU) nourishment and vitality - the rest will come easy!
Are there any exercises you advise against?
I once learned a great phrase “there is no such thing as a bad exercise, only a wrongly prescribed one”, meaning there is no bad exercise as each goal will have different exercise outcomes. It's about picking the right exercise and program for YOU.
What music do you listen to when you work out?
I'm old skool 90s dance: Sash, Chicane etc - “take me back to the Ibiza days”
What foods are always in your fridge?
Lots of colour. Vegetables for smoothies and quick, nutritious energy needs (and a bit of chocolate for when no ones looking!)
What's the most rewarding part of your job?
I have to say, helping people and students navigate the theory into a practical situation to understand HOW this information impacts YOUR career to make them the BEST PT they can be.
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