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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To Business

Bowman House (Business Sponsor)

My Back To Business Strategy

By Cheryl Beer, Creative Director & Sound Artist at Sound Memories Radio. This is a dementia friendly life story & environmental sound mapping project, helping older people to remember.

Summarise how Co?vid-19 has affected you? 

Covid19 has meant all contracts ended suddenly. I have been unable to visit older people in care homes, day centres or their own homes. As a freelancer, I was not able to be furloughed, so, I decided to continue running the radio station & the Friends of Sound Memories Radio Facebook page as a service to my community.

What has been your plan?  

During the initial lockdown, our website saw an increase in the number of people viewing our environmental sound maps & we realised that these were helping older people to stay connected to a sense of place. 

I applied for and secured a Covid19 grant from the Arts Council of Wales to develop WALK19 - training artists across Wales to record the favourite walks of older people who are still shielding & sharing these as an environmental sound map via a series of digital & social media exhibitions in December, connecting to care homes, day centres and individuals via digital technology.

As lockdown eases what measures have you put in place to get back to business? 

It has become entirely home based, working remotely & I now have Zoom & Skype meetings every day, whereas before, I didn't use these mediums. 

As lockdown eases what measures have you put in place to get back to business? 

Sound Memories Radio is back in business as a result and I am now exploring how I can apply this model of working to the other areas of my artistic practice particularly as a mantra artist & author.

What has been the most challenging aspect of all of this? 

My own emotional resilience, being alone for such a long period of time (thank goodness for my dog) lack of physical contact with humans & missing my family. 

What has been the most positive aspect? 

It has increased my capacity to become self sufficient and opened doors to new ways of thinking which will definitely shape the future. 

Has it made you consider how you feel about other businesses/suppliers/customers/clients for good or otherwise? 

I am choosing more often to support the local economy, it's made me think about loyalty as a customer, to those companies who have showed loyalty to the community. 

How important is this phrase to you – ‘buy local, supply local’? 

For me, it's all about community & reciprocity. 

What are your top tips at this time?  

1. Think outside the box

2. Carry on with kindness

3. Pull on ALL your skills

Your parting thought? 

Together, we can do this

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