An error occurred executing the following query, and page execution has been terminated.

SELECT contentID, contTitle, section, displayDate, startDate, seoURL, shortIntro, mainContent, picTitle, picFile, edEventDate, groupColour, linkName, eventLocation, publication, document , (SELECT m_value FROM tbltotalswindonContentMeta WHERE m_contentID = contentID AND m_key = 'Advertiser') AS Advertiser FROM tbltotalswindonContentLive c JOIN tbltotalswindonEventDates e ON e.edContentID = c.contentID JOIN tbltotalswindonGroups g ON g.groupID = c_groupID LEFT JOIN tbltotalswindonContentImagesLive i ON i.picID = (SELECT TOP 1 il.picID FROM tbltotalswindonContentImagesLive il WHERE il.picContentID = c.contentID AND il.status = 'live' AND (il.picPosition = '' OR il.picPosition IS NULL OR il.picPosition = 'main') ORDER BY picDisplayOrder ASC) AND i.status = 'live' WHERE mastersection = 'events' AND ((c_groupID = '3' AND section = 'Festivals') OR (c_groupID = '%202')) AND c.status = 'live' AND c_groupID IN ('3','0') AND startDate <= '4/19/2024 20:50:53' AND (endDate = '01/01/2000' OR endDate >= '4/19/2024 20:50:53') AND edEventDate >= '4/19/2024 20:50:53' ORDER BY edEventDate ASC

Error Description : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '%202' to data type int.

Page of error : /events/all/index.asp

Query String :
