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Nick Ruddle's 2021 Summer Business Plan

Today we're talking to Nick Ruddle, film maker at Nick Ruddle Film. Nick, who lives in West Swindon, creates engaging short films to promote businesses.

May is the last month of Spring – how has Spring been for you so far? 

I love spring. All the new growth and life is mentally refreshing after a cold and dark winter. This has been reflected in my business this year, with several projects where the focus has been coping with and coming out the other side of mental and emotional struggles. 

What are your plans for the Summer – for your business and for you? 

In terms of business, I will be working on a project for a new charity client which I am very proud to be involved in. I also hope to return to working with some of my existing clients, and I am currently in post-production for my recent project, Healing the Hidden Hurt of Miscarriage

Personally, I will be spending more time outdoors and with friends and family. Hopefully there are lots of barbeques in my future!

What are you most looking forward this summer which you had to step away from last summer? 

I can’t wait to see more of my family and friends – like many others, I’ve missed that social connection and I’m excited about being able to connect with people again. I’m also excited about doing more filming projects to support organisations and help them get back on their feet post Covid. 

May is National Walking Month, and walking was an activity which was one thing we could do over the last 12 months.

I try to walk every day because it brings perspective and the opportunity to see and connect with nature. Some of my recent sightings have been Little Egrets, Jays and Kingfishers in suburban Swindon, which are a real joy to see even in the rainy weather. Hopefully we will get a bit more sunshine soon!

Where is your favourite place to walk? 

Near where I live there is a small stream which runs along the back of the houses on my street. It used to be frequently clogged with litter and the odd trolley, but in recent years it has been cleaned up. The fish have started coming back, along with the fishing birds I mentioned above. It’s been wonderful to watch the natural ecosystem be restored to this area and it’s encouraging to see that the nature and wildlife can flourish and recover if it’s given time.

Can you name one day in May which is important for you in your business or in your personal life? Why is that date important? 

It’s not one day, but Mental Health Awareness Week is an important week for me. As I mentioned above, I have done recent work with clients who really benefit from increased awareness around mental health, and it’s great that in the last few years there has been a national recognition of this important issue. 

Have you got any events planned for the coming months which you’d like to mention – where you and/or your business will take a leading role? 

I’m really looking forward to getting back to face to face networking at the business referral group Businesswise where I have been a member for several years. We've all tried to support each other at this time and it will be good to see fellow members face to face.

Are you attending (have you booked) any events at all for you as a business person, or for you personally that you are really looking forward to? 

My favourite local café and bar, Baila, is reopening next week and I’ve already made a booking there – can’t wait to get back for a coffee or a cocktail!

What’s your one top business tip to help others be positive about their business in May 2021? 

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we are all able to adapt to hardship and pull each other through. So many people have really developed their resilience and flexibility over the last year, and these are essential skills for small businesses. Being willing to make small changes to your approach can make a world of difference.

For more information visit www.nickruddlefilm.uk

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